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Payment Options for Indoor Tennis Facility Improvements

Indoor Tennis Facilities are continually faced with the need for renovations and upgrades from HVAC to roof repairs to new lighting for the indoor tennis courts. This can create a challenge when it comes to how to fund these upgrades.

Payment Options for Indoor Tennis Facility Improvements

Indoor Tennis Facilities are continually faced with the need for renovations and upgrades from HVAC to roof repairs to new lighting for the indoor tennis courts. This can create a challenge when it comes to how to fund these upgrades. Sports Interiors is aware of these challenges; therefore, we work closely with facility owners and our partner, CIT, to secure the financing necessary to make your facility improvements affordable.  In the recently released US Sports, Fitness, and Recreation Participation Report from the Physical Activity Council (PAC) – tennis is one of only two sports with positive participation growth during the previous 12 years. With this growth comes an increasing need for facilities that not only can handle the demand, but deliver an awesome indoor tennis playing experience.   


Easy Financing Option

Sports Interiors has owned and managed numerous athletic clubs over the years so we understand that owners may want to finance facility upgrades such as a new LED Tennis Lighting System. We work closely with you and CIT to secure the best financing program possible tailored to meet your unique needs. Only a single page application needs to be completed, which our finance department can assist you. Here are a few examples of how Sports Interiors can structure the investment: Financial Case Studies


Ways to Offset Financing Costs

You may be thinking that financial assistance sounds great, but can you really afford it? The combination of rebates and energy/maintenance savings create a financially compelling case to consider proven Systems for your indoor tennis facility. Learn more by visiting our financing page here.



Financial incentives for implementing energy efficient lighting exist across the country. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) is a nice resource for finding policies and incentives by state. Unfortunately, no two rebate programs are the same, and the process with your specific rebate program may include some “back and forth”. However, Sports Interiors is well-versed in many of these rebate programs due to our 30 years of experience installing lighting systems at indoor tennis clubs across the country. We will handle the legwork for you so you can secure the incentive. In just the last 18 months alone we have secured over $1.5 million in rebates for our customers. These rebate dollars can be used to help offset the overall amount you plan to finance.


Energy and Maintenance Savings

Besides improving the court experience for your facility and enhancing the overall reputation of your club, LED tennis lighting systems also offer substantial energy savings.  In addition to the energy savings, the costs of replacing light bulbs, renting a lift, and paying for someone to replace old bulbs can be a significant factor for why a facility should consider implementing new lighting.  Those costs can add up over time, especially if an indoor tennis facility has an older lighting system that requires bulbs to be changed more frequently.


Learn more about financing options available to your facility


If you are unsure whether you can afford to install new LED Tennis Lighting for your facility, Sports Interiors would be happy to talk with you about your options as it may be more affordable than you think. Give us a call at 847-892-6956 or connect with a member of our team by clicking the button below.


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